🆕 Can a group chat have more than one admin?
🆕 Can a group chat have more than one admin?

🆕 Can a group chat have more than one admin?

The answer is yes! You can nominate as many people as you need as an administrator of a group, allowing them to invite new people in order to have a good communication.


Consentio Webapp

To designate new administrators into a group chat, firstly create a group (see here how to do it) or direct yourself to an already created group.


Next, click on the Information button to access to all the group details.


In the participants section, you will find all the members of the group. From here you can also invite new contacts through email or text message, add them from Consentio or copy the link and distribute it through other platforms.


Select the member that you want to make admin and click on the down arrow that will appear.


Finally, click on the Make admin. button.


You can have as many admin in a group as you want!


Consentio Mobile App

To designate new administrators into a group chat, firstly create a group (see here how to do it) or direct yourself to an already created group.


Next, click on the name of the group to access to all the details of the group.


In the participants section, you will find all the members of the group. From here you can also invite new contacts through email, text message, directly from your phonebook or copy the invitation link. Of course, you can also invite them through Consentio.


Select the member that you want to make admin.


Finally, click on the Make admin. button.


You can have as many admin in a group as you want!
