🆕 Can I compare products from my suppliers?
 🆕 Can I compare products from my suppliers?

🆕 Can I compare products from my suppliers?

The answer is yes! Thanks to our Search product section you will be able to see at once a product in order to choose the best one for you. Keep reading to see how it works.


Consentio Webapp

Go to your workspace section and select the Search products section where you will see a list of all the products that your suppliers have available.


To find the desired product you can directly search the product on the Search engine or use the filters provided: Sections, Type, Origin, Grade, Brand, Type of production, Size.


Select all the products you need and when you are ready click on the Cart.


Inside your cart you will find multiple orders, one by each supplier you have chosen products from. Click on the Send order button, and the order will be automatically sent over to your supplier for approval. If you would like to review the contents of each order, you can access it by clicking on it.


You will receive a notification from your supplier once the order is confirmed. Don’t miss the chance to have an easy access to your suppliers best offers.


Consentio Mobile App

Currently the option of comparing products from your suppliers is only available for Consentio Webapp.